The Laramie Chronicles is a dedicated fan fiction project celebrating the beloved 1960s TV show Laramie. With over a decade of writing, the author has crafted more than a hundred stories exploring the adventures of Slim Sherman and Jess Harper in 1870s Wyoming. The collection is cherished by a loyal fan base and aims to preserve the essence of the original series while reaching new audiences.
The existing website for The Laramie Chronicles was outdated and difficult to maintain, which posed a risk to the preservation and accessibility of the author’s extensive body of work. The need for a modern, functional platform was crucial to ensure the stories could be enjoyed by both current fans and future readers.
We redesigned The Laramie Chronicles website to offer a fresh, user-friendly experience that reflects the timeless appeal of the fan fiction. The new site features an updated aesthetic and improved functionality, making it easier for users to navigate and access the author’s stories. The goal was to create a lasting digital home for the collection that would stand the test of time and attract new readers.
The revamped website now provides a vibrant, accessible platform for The Laramie Chronicles, enhancing the enjoyment of existing fans and engaging new ones. The improved design ensures that the author's extensive collection of stories is preserved and readily available, reinforcing the enduring legacy of the Laramie series.
Hey, I'm Dan! 👋 Based in Redditch and with nearly two decades of experience, I've worked for industry leaders such as Immediate Media and Accenture, Now, as the founder of Develop4, I bring that expertise to create tailor-made websites that look stunning and encourage organic reach.
Working with a digital partner shouldn't be just about projects—it's about nurturing relationships founded on trust, respect, and value. Whether you're a startup looking to make waves or an established business ready to revamp your online presence, I'm here to lend a hand.
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